Well, here is a little nugget I recieved from the Lord this morning hope you enjoy and apply it to your lives! First I know its a new year and all, but one thing I will never forget is soul winners bootcamp.Thank you pastor Hurst for having Matt Maddix and his group with us they are AWSOME!!!Today I was thinking back on our great day of victory and realized that we need an ARK in our lives. The word ark means Acts of Random Kindness I was thinking that our acts of random kindness to people will show just how authentic and real christians should be. I also feel that its a major part of soulwinning because people are looking for something we have and thats the Love of God. I was reading on things about crazy christians who parade themselves around at homosexual functions yelling hate slurs(Yes they are wrong people and the Bible says the sin is wrong but to love the person, how are we supposed to win a world that dosent know God with hate slurs and showing people the bad side of christianity!!) Anyways I feel kindness kills the doubt and emptyness in peoples lives. Yeah I should be more kind to sinners even if they get on my nervous system. But we cant tell them to love God, We have to show them with ARK!! I know everyone has an excuse to not live for God or blame it on bad experiences, but if we give them Jesus how can they get mad or even deny Jesus!!!So when you are talking to people show the ARK in your life and you just might fill you ark up like Noah did. Just think their soul depends on it!!
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